OOG cargo transport

As one of the Top 2 providers of OOG Cargo Transport solutions in Vietnam, Gemadept is proud to participate in national key projects as well as projects in the neighbouring coutries. From hydropower, thermal power, wind power projects to cement plants, oil refineries, steel… all bear the imprint of Gemadept.

Gemadept's Project Cargo Services was established in 1994 in order to meet the needs of the market along with the growth of the economy. With a full range of modern equipment, skilled and enthusiastic staff and experienced experts, we can carry out the transportation of super-heavy packages up to 1,000 tons through difficult terrains to neighboring countries such as Laos, Cambodia … as customers’ request.

Operating in unfavorable geographic conditions and traffic infrastructure with over-sized and over-weight shipments of equipment, Gemadept always promotes the spirit of creativity, innovation and exceptional customer service experiences.

In order to differentiate, increase market share, and affirm the leading class of a super long and overweight cargo carrier, Gemadept always focuses on providing the most effective solutions for each project, ensuring safety standard, meeting project schedule and saving cost, which is highly appreciated and totally trusted by partners and customers.

Typical projects have been performed:

  • Transportation of Metro wagons

  • Solar power projects: Phong Phu, Song Luy, Binh An, Phan Lam, Dau Tieng 1 & 3

  • Sihanoukville thermal power project, Thai Boong Roong cement project …

Outstanding Features:

  • Being one of the top 3 companies in the country in the field of out of gauge (OOG) cargo transport
  • Carried out major projects of national and regional scale
  • Owning specified and modern equipment
  • Labor force with high technical qualifications, creativity and professionalism
  • Providing the most effective solutions for each project

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